Dealing loneliness

When I go to foreign countries, I feel very lonely. But, for me there are several ways to deal with.

1. Reading books


For me, reading books is the really good way to deal with loneliness. It makes me confortable, and peaceful.

Also reading books makes me forget about every another stressful thing. Poems, novels, essays are good for relieaving

hard emotions, that’s why I enjoyed them alot.

2. Drinking Alcohols


Drinking with friends is really good way to deal with loneliness. I can feel my friends who care about me

and thankfulness from them.  Being drunken, forget every hardships, feel happiness, those are the reason why

I drink in foreign country.

3. Traveling


The last way to deal with loneliness in a foreign country is traveling.

Travel to somewhere, with friends or alone, makes me feel fresh. When I feel really lonely and frustrated, I usually

travel alone. Although money could be a problem, this way is also a good way to deal with loneliness.

Nowaday, I am in United States, for me this is the time suffered from loneliness.

Usually, I think about the way dealing with loneliness and got these answers.

Through this ways, I will solve problems well and hope to have a good life here 🙂

# Assignment 21

One thought on “Dealing loneliness

  1. I know all of these ways of dealing with loneliness, Abe! Reading is always one of my favorite pastimes. Drinking alcohol with friends can be fun too! I know Korea is a big drinking culture and my co-teachers in Korea always used to take me out for Samgyeopsol and soju and beer. Also, I agree that travel is an amazing way to relieve loneliness. I agree with all three methods. Love your photo of the babies drinking. 🙂

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