One memory I want to carry into the afterlife.

Although I am just 25, I feel like I have a lot of memories to reminisce.

It was 4 that I can remember the earliest memory of mine.

From a little kid to present, I could experience many dramatic, amazing happenings.

Every memory which make up myself is precious and valuable so it is hard for me to choose one.

Among my impressive memories, the memory in high school is the most strong and impressive one.

My high school was established in 2004 and I was the first student there.

For the first grade, there are only 40 students.

All the students had to live in dormitory for whole three years and it was pretty hard.

Students fought a lot and played a lot.

Only 40 students and lived in same building for 3 years, those situations made us really closed.

Although already 7 years have passed and some of us married, I missed them a lot.

If I die and can carry one memory, the time of high school is the one I would carry.

Some are mother, some work at their jobs, some are still students…

Though we don’t contact much, I know I can feel you guys.

Be happy 🙂 and Hope to meet all of you someday 🙂

One thought on “One memory I want to carry into the afterlife.

  1. The memory sounds like it was a real growing experience, with some hardship but also a lot of fun as well. I would like to have known more about a specific memory from that time; try to put more details in your writing as often as possible. I really have a hard time picturing anything as the memory covers such a large range of time and is very general. I’m so glad you had such a happy time in your life. 🙂

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