Korea Peninsula and Other Asian Countries

This post is what I thought after read an article in Joongang Daily, Nov.4.2013

  South Korea is competing with China and Japan to secure a wider foothold in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and to develop assistance with the nations.

Abe :  Korea is competing with China and Japan to secure a wider foothold in the vast zone of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to implement the KSP(Knowledge Sharing Program). Also, China and Japan have tried to court Southeast Asian countries with massive development assistance. Because of the purchasing power based on GDP increased by 42 percent from 2005 to 2010(Sangsung Economy labaratory in 2012), contrasting with depressing status of World economy, and its own worth to invest, three countries are enthusiastic to be friendly with Southeast Asian countries.

     S. Korea is in a stronger position than China and Japan to make cooperative relationship with Southeast Asian nations. 

Abe :   Korea has many advantageous reasons to make beneficial relationship with Southeast Asian countries. Nowadays, popularization of K-pop has been one of the influential factors. In the aspect of culture, many Southeast Asian people were affected with its attraction. Also, historically Korea was suppressed by China and Japan as other Asian countries were. That’s why they feel sympathy and support relationship with Korea. Finally, because Korea became one of powerful countries in such a short time with limited natural resources and national boundaries, they feel Korea as their national role model and it make them long for being like Korea.

   In our society, it is not difficult anymore to see multi-cultural families around us, who might be connections of the countries.

Abe :  In our society, it is easier to see multi-cultural families around us than before. More and more people came to Korea, and as the number of people who are residing in Korea has increased, the number of children of the next generation is also increasing. Already, they became important human resources of Korea, that’s why I think we should support them to be a civil diplomat. In the view of long term effects, though they grow up and go back to their own country, if they feel thanks to Korea, later on they could have a good relationship with Korea.



As I read article of economy section in Korean newspaper, I thought that just reading is not enough. So, after I read it

I decided to summary and organize my thought. It was really good opportunity to practice my skills of abbreviating and understand deeply. I worried about it could be wrong because it is just my thoughts. I hope that through Blog I want to have opportunities to discuss many issues. 🙂


# Free Topic


One memory I want to carry into the afterlife.

Although I am just 25, I feel like I have a lot of memories to reminisce.

It was 4 that I can remember the earliest memory of mine.

From a little kid to present, I could experience many dramatic, amazing happenings.

Every memory which make up myself is precious and valuable so it is hard for me to choose one.

Among my impressive memories, the memory in high school is the most strong and impressive one.

My high school was established in 2004 and I was the first student there.

For the first grade, there are only 40 students.

All the students had to live in dormitory for whole three years and it was pretty hard.

Students fought a lot and played a lot.

Only 40 students and lived in same building for 3 years, those situations made us really closed.

Although already 7 years have passed and some of us married, I missed them a lot.

If I die and can carry one memory, the time of high school is the one I would carry.

Some are mother, some work at their jobs, some are still students…

Though we don’t contact much, I know I can feel you guys.

Be happy 🙂 and Hope to meet all of you someday 🙂

Dealing loneliness

When I go to foreign countries, I feel very lonely. But, for me there are several ways to deal with.

1. Reading books


For me, reading books is the really good way to deal with loneliness. It makes me confortable, and peaceful.

Also reading books makes me forget about every another stressful thing. Poems, novels, essays are good for relieaving

hard emotions, that’s why I enjoyed them alot.

2. Drinking Alcohols


Drinking with friends is really good way to deal with loneliness. I can feel my friends who care about me

and thankfulness from them.  Being drunken, forget every hardships, feel happiness, those are the reason why

I drink in foreign country.

3. Traveling


The last way to deal with loneliness in a foreign country is traveling.

Travel to somewhere, with friends or alone, makes me feel fresh. When I feel really lonely and frustrated, I usually

travel alone. Although money could be a problem, this way is also a good way to deal with loneliness.

Nowaday, I am in United States, for me this is the time suffered from loneliness.

Usually, I think about the way dealing with loneliness and got these answers.

Through this ways, I will solve problems well and hope to have a good life here 🙂

# Assignment 21

Difficult day while I traveled in America

In 2011, I planned to travel San Antonio, TX with my one of friend without money.

It was NO MONEY TRIP!! for 5 days~

At first, I just thought it would be a valuable experience in my life, so I had to try it.

Although we bought just two tickets, we could not make any plans without money.

After considering one day, we decided to travel the downtown area of San Antonio for a week.

We didn’t bring MONEY, CARD, and CELL PHONE. Because we were young, we thought we could sleep even at the park,

on the bench, bus stop any places. Whatever I thought about the trip, we finally departed by bus.

After we arrived at the city, we started to feel hungry, lonely, empty.

2011-11-23 09.51.43 First night, we could met a very very kind pastor from a church in San Antonio, and he paid a Inn for a night.

2011-11-24 11.06.21

2011-11-24 14.20.52

 It was really tired and hard trip. We walked all day, and usually couldn’t eat anything.

Although we wanted to quit and go back to home, there were no way to go back….

2011-11-24 18.56.38

During the trip, I met a one Mexican guy whose name is Mario. We’d met for just few hours, but he helped me.

I and my friend could sleep in his house and he bought meals at restaurant.

After one week, with help of one gentle man, we could buy bus tickets and come back to home.

Through that trip, I could feel the sense of hunger, loneliness, cold, something like that. But, I also feel the

thankfulness, gratitude for my small and tiny things. The trip tought me thankfulness and beauty of minor things.

Although I never try that kind of trip again, whenever I think about that moment, I could feel thanks.


# Assignment 17

I’m “3”



Hello, everyone my name “three”, and people called me Galaxy 3.

I’m white and my shape is round rectangular.

In 2012, I was the world best smartphone in the world. Isn’t it surprising? “World Best!”

Many people have my friends and we are loved by lot of lot of people. Some people never let us leave from their hands,

and some people put us in their pockets, only a few people let us be scrached.

I can be changed in various color with different cases and stickers.  Also, people change my wallpapers. and my interfaces.

You see? how much I am attractive and gorgeous!

Okay, now I will introduce my owner.

He is 25 year old boy and he is also one of the person who never let us go from their hands.

He is always holding me or put me in front of him.

Can you imagine that this boy even bring me to toilet????? At first, it was the terrible experience, but now I feel comfortable.

# Assignment 14.

The Great Gatsby

I finished reading a book “The Great Gatsby”. This book is about the man named “Gatsby” in 1930s.

The main character of this book is Nick and he is the friend of his gentle neighbor Gatsby.

This book depicts the life of Gatsby and American society and dream in 1930s.

“Love”, “Money”, “Noble life”, “happiness” are the most important things for the people in that era.


– The movie captured people’s interest through its actor casting –


Gatsby is the man who is living after his dream. His dream is to love and be loved by “Daisy” who is his lover when he

was young. He hold parties every night to meet Daisy and make money with illegal way to go up toward her.

    This book makes me think about the American society in 1930s. Also, the concept of empty, meaningless life come to my mind.

If you haven’t see this movie or book, please read the book first and then watch this movie. I could imagine all the colors and jazz sounds while I read the book. And when I see the movie, the visualization what I imagine made me surprise with their tremendous and gorgeous features.

– For the entertaining, I will not mention the rest of the story.

This story has given me a question that who and what value is right for me and society.

For me, money and being succeed is the most important value up to know. After watching this movie, my value has been

changed.  I realized that real love, the emotion and direction that my heart wanted to say are the most important thing.

Also, in Korea being upper class in society and money is important. That’s why, this movie helps us to find out the point

where we should focus on.

Between the Dream and Reality, Let’s think about ourselves. 🙂

# Assignment 7

Bucket list

My bucket list. These are the things that I’d really love to do.



In America

  • Go camping with BIG camping car.
  • Hiking at Grand Canyon
  • Driving from the East    t   o     West
  • Visiting Miami Beach
  • Hawaii
  • Shopping on Black Friday
  • Gamble in Las Vegas
  • Visting Hollywood and Universial Studio
  • Nightview of Manhatten, Newyork
  • Niagara Force
  • Go to Bevery Hills
  • Amazing costum on Holloween day
  • Disney Land
  • Adjusting to Western style food
  • Visting Memorial of Great American Authors

In my life

  • Writing an autobiograph
  • Making soulmates
  • Get certificates of Business major
  • Having good occupation
  • Starting my own company
  • Buying a House
  • Bunjy jumping
  • Traveling Europe ; Paris, England
  • Traveling Bali
  • Learing Chinese and Chinese letter
  • Learning Saxophone again

I haven’t think about my bucket list. After I think about it, I realized that I have a lot of things that I wanted to do.

Also, setting up the bucket list makes me think about planning for my life. Plans always make result more specific and accurate.

I will cross out after try one by one 🙂

#5 Assignment